A BIG Announcement!



It’s Clay. Today I want to make a pretty BIG announcement…

But first, I want to personally say thanks for your support of End of the Bench over the last three years. A little background for those of you unfamiliar with who we are…

This started as a pandemic idea.

Since 2020, End Of The Bench has provided readers with timely sports satire and humor, a weekly sports show on YouTube, and a unique comedic perspective on the games, athletes, and teams you know and love…for free.

Written by over 80 comedy writers.

Did you know End Of The Bench has published work from more than 80 incredible up-and-coming comedy writers? Writers whose work you’ve seen in The Onion, Rolling Stone, The New York Times (Shouts & Murmurs), Second City, Comedy Central, The Belladonna, Duffel Blog, and MANY more places.

Writers who brought you…

So what’s the announcement? Get to the point, guy!

Starting in December, End of the Bench will move to a $5/month subscription model to forge a new path to support up-and-coming comedy writers.

Your support as a paid member means a great deal — and will help sustain the laughs delivered to your inbox on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.

What do you get as a paid subscriber?

  • 4 stories a week

  • Behind-the-scenes bonus content

  • Quarterly 10% discount to our NEWLY REVAMPED merch shop

  • Subscriber-only chats

  • Our undying love and affection

What do you get as a free subscriber?

  • 2-3 stories a week

  • Some love (which is still a lot, to be honest)

I am pretty excited and at the same time nervous about this next step for our small publication, but couldn’t be more happy to have you with us no matter what.

If you’re ready to support us, upgrade your subscription below!

Thanks so much for your support. We’re looking forward to 2024 and beyond!

Clay Beyersdorfer


Former JV Athlete

Attempted Writer


or to participate.