Recently Quarantined Man Swept by Human Interaction 4-0

A clean sweep.

SAN DIEGO - Local businessman Pete Harper was defeated by Human Interaction Tuesday evening, falling to the overwhelming pressure of Society in a series that only lasted four days. Fresh off a COVID-19 quarantine, Harper was returning to the field after spending two weeks recovering from the COVID-19 virus that has forced nearly a two-year global pandemic. End of the Bench caught up with Harper following the series loss. “It was a lot out there. I just didn’t bring my A-game and clearly wasn’t prepared for this kind of matchup,” said Harper. “It’s a real shame, but there’s nothing I can do about it now.”The first day off quarantine saw the father of two take an early loss, going to the grocery store without actually putting on pants, something that had worked in weeks prior.“I took the early L with the pants thing at the store and thought I could turn it around, to be honest with you,” he said. “I felt like I just needed to shake the rust off, but I couldn’t get anything going no matter how hard I tried.”Harper went on to take two more losses over the weekend, failing to respond to his neighbor’s small talk without coming off like a complete weirdo on Saturday, as well as driving on the wrong side of the road Sunday evening.“They [Society] were prepared definitely, much more than I had thought so,” Harper said. “Everything and everybody just seemed to be moving so fast, and before I know it, I’m down 3-0.”That string of losses culminated in the final defeat last night, when the husband of nine years forgot to pick his children up from school.“I think I need to head home, go back to the drawing board and really work on my game,” Harper said. “The next time out hopefully we’ll see a different result.”


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