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  • Quiz: Are You at Your Kid's Soccer Game or Walking Through Hell?

Quiz: Are You at Your Kid's Soccer Game or Walking Through Hell?

What's the difference?

For every question you answer “Yes” to, add one point to your total score.Questions1) Are you awake at some unreasonable hour on a Saturday morning?2) Are you heading to some distant location you’ve never heard of and forgot to Google Maps prior to leaving?3) Are you parking in a distant lot that is no less than a five-mile walk from your final destination?4) Are you watching a ball being passed back and forth with no hope of actually scoring?5) Is it incredibly hot causing you to melt into a puddle of sweat?6) Has the thought “When will this nightmare end?” crossed your mind?7) Are you being forced to make small talk with others around you?8) Are you being given passive-aggressive looks by others around you after making said small talk?9) Is everyone getting an orange slice but you?10) No seriously, is everyone getting an orange slice but you?11) Are you asking yourself “what did I do to deserve this?”12) Is everything actually on fire and seemingly the bane of your existence?Scoring0-11 Points: Congrats! You are just at your kid’s soccer game. Enjoy it the blissful youth before your eyes!12 points: I am so sorry.


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