Basic Degenerate Principles to Sports Betting

Fool proof gambling tips

By Juan Arteaga1. If you’ve won multiple bets in a row, logic would have us assume that you’re hot. Put all your winnings on your next bet.2. If you’ve lost multiple bets in a row, logic would have us assume you’re bound to hit one soon. Double down on your next bet.3. If your 5 team parlay misses by one team, you always knew that one team was the team that would screw you. 4. If a team blows a late lead, the game was rigged. Vegas must have had significant money on the other side.5. Become familiar with sports like ping pong, badminton, and volleyball; particularly in the eastern European region. 6.Free play, more like free parlay. 7. In the rare instances when there are no sports, restrain yourself from entering online casinos. You are a classy sports bettors who would never put your money on something that stupid.


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