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  • Area Man Swears He’s Done Playing Slow Pitch Softball for Good

Area Man Swears He’s Done Playing Slow Pitch Softball for Good


LITTLE ROCK - Career summer slow-pitch softball player Jimmy Fields has announced he’s officially retiring and will not be returning to the team in 2022.

Fields played his entire slow pitch career with Barb’s Bar Boys, (sponsored by the well-known local bar and restaurant) which lost 17-4 in the Little Rock Community Softball League’s first-round playoff matchup Monday evening.

The 37-year-old carpenter, who went 0-4 in the matchup with two strikeouts, wasted no time announcing the end of his career, immediately breaking the news in the dugout after the game.

“I’m too old for this shit,” Fields said as he angrily changed out of his cleats. “It’s the same bullshit every fucking year and I’m fucking over it.”

Fields is on record making similar statements following both the 2018 and 2019 seasons. 

“I’m 100% not playing next year, I’m done, I am too old for this shit,” Fields was quoted as saying in 2018. "Sharon, get the kid, we're out of here."

When asked about those prior statements, Fields was quick to react.“I didn’t say that,” the father of now three said as he walked towards the distant parking lot.

“Sharon, get the kids, we’re out of here.”

Barb’s Bar Boys team management could not be reached for comment at the time of publishing.


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