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  • 12 U.S. Presidents Share Their Thoughts on the Denver Nuggets Winning the NBA Title

12 U.S. Presidents Share Their Thoughts on the Denver Nuggets Winning the NBA Title


“Ask not what your Serbian center can do you for you, but what advanced metrics he can lead the league in, and if he can average a triple-double in the regular season.” – John F Kennedy

“It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you draft a generational center and then build around him with an exceptional point guard, an underrated dunker, and some really good veteran role players.” – Harry Truman

“If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that horse racing is more important than basketball.” – Abraham Lincoln

“If you’re walking down the right path and keep walking, eventually Jokic will make a 360-degree no-look lob pass to you.” – Barack Obama

“Read my lips: No new trades.” – George HW Bush

“Always remember, others may hate the Nuggets. But those who hate the Nuggets may never win unless the Nuggets trade away Bruce Brown and KCP and then destroy themselves.” – Richard Nixon

“All great change in Denver begins in the horse stable.” – Ronald Reagan

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“Associate yourself with star players of better quality if you esteem your reputation; for ‘tis better to lose the regular season MVP award and lead your team to a chip than to bow out in the second round of the playoffs every year.” – George Washington

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Also, the Lakers figured out that the way to stop the Nuggets is to put Hachimura on Jokic.” – Franklin D Roosevelt

“Our long championship nightmare is over.” – Gerald Ford

“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal. But some 1st seeds are worse than the 8th seed while some 1st seeds are way better.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Congrats to the Denver Chicken Nuggets on winning the NBA title. But how long will we let illegal Serbian immigrants take away our jobs and championships? THIS IS BAD!!! VERY BAD!!! We will build a wall between the United States and Serbia to stop this.” – Donald Trump

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